OUR DISCOVERY PYRAMID gives a snapshot of our approach and how it all fits together; showing a clear line of sight to delivering ‘best value’, making sure you only use what you need. It provides a structure to support ‘everyday champions’ and turn them into ‘smart savers’, using their local knowledge, expertise and creativity.  

The toolkit is a proven formula for success, having been developed while working for many different types of organisation. Its foundation is all about people, inspiring hearts and minds; to explore and deliver energy saving projects; to discover the attitudes and behaviours to sustain performance; to ultimately succeed in delivering long-term strategies and objectives around energy and climate change.  The approach is designed to complement, not conflict with, organisations’ existing approaches. It typically takes two to five years to run through the whole programme.

Where you start depends on your level in energy management.

  • We need a ‘green spark’:  The culture tends to be one of leave it ‘ON’ for maximum service or for (perceived) reliability issues. This is much more typical than people may think; overprovision offers a big opportunity to make quick savings by targeting significant avoidable waste. 
  • We need an ‘agent provocateur’:  Staff are active but low risk; ‘we toe the line’ as energy is seen as a distraction going against other operational objectives. People need shaking up and need to get over the (perceived) view that more energy efficiency is practically a local crime.
  • Everyday Champions: This is about making things work as intended through good design, operation and maintenance practices. Quite often champions can spend months saving pennies. Support helps to prioritise and reward effort and link it in with the work of others. 
  • Smart Savers: Approaches need to be more sophisticated. Looking to make improvements with multiple business benefits people need to be able to work across boundaries through good team-work, focused effort and a ‘just do it’ attitude.
  • On-demand energy management: Seeing the bigger picture and developing a culture of active learning and innovation.  Challenging current perceptions and pushing boundaries can deliver significant energy savings, better performance and can give people an edge: the ‘Win Win Win’.

1. Interested in discussing what we can do for you – get in touch.
2. For more ideas, join our mailing list and/or subscribe to our RSS feed.

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