“EnCOs are more sustainable, cost effective and collaborative.”


A big step forward for 2020 has been the launch of the Energy Conscious Organisation (EnCO) behaviour change initiative. This includes two new EnCO standards for organisations and practitioners which evidence energy management approaches which actively involve people.


EnCO’s mission is to:

  1. Gather evidence through case-studies.
  2. Develop skills through training practitioners.
  3. Accelerate the organizational journey towards Net Zero.

Since 2018, the Discovery Mill has been proud to have been part of the UK’s Behaviour change working group, led by ESTA and supported by the Energy Institute.

Discovery Mill has been awarded Approved EnCO Practitioner status.  This means we can help organisations develop their strategies to becoming an EnCO and also help engage and energise the colleagues on the ground needed to deliver effective change towards Net Zero goals.

So far, we’ve had two of our case-studies included on the EnCO website.


Why don’t you sign up and become an EnCO Consultant/ Practitioner.

ESTA is pleased to offer Discovery Mill friends a 10% discount on one of the EnCO Energy Consultant training courses starting in January 2021 (quote Discovery Mill).

See EnCO for more information and to book training.


EnCO Vision

To generate at least 10% energy reduction savings through behaviour change for organisations by 2030, in support of global IPCC Carbon Targets and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


EnCO Mission

1)      Gather evidence.  By collating a bank of at least 50-100 case-studies which demonstrate the savings achieved through behaviour change projects, proven using robust measurement and verification.

2)      Develop skills. Build industry capacity of energy practitioners to support delivery through training and other support.  See training courses for registered consultants.

3)      Accelerate the organizational journey to Net Zero.  Promote the business opportunity through developing the Energy Conscious Organisation standard and by sharing best practice and experiences at conferences, workshops and events.


Benefits of becoming an EnCO

  • Externally verified recognition by experts in progress achieved, approved by ESTA and the Energy Institute.
  • EnCO registration/logo as evidence of good practice to shareholders, customers, regulators, stakeholders and employees.
  • A method and approach to sustain and improve energy consumption reductions with the resulting cost savings.
  • Become part of the wider EnCO community to enable sharing of good practice.
  • Stimulus to continuous improvement and attract new talent.


What is an EncO?

An Energy Conscious Organisation is one which has employed behaviour change principles to make significant improvements in the following areas:


Very high levels of engagement at every level of organisation on energy management including top management practices, significant users and all colleagues. All levels enthused and taking positive action.


High levels of alertness/awareness across organisation to eliminate energy waste, mechanisms to register waste with clear responsibilities delegated and practical responses regularly actioned.


Top management, practitioners and significant users fully skilled in their energy management roles. Commitment to continual learning and up-skilling by ongoing investment in education, competency and training.


The benefits and co-benefits of energy management are widely recognised and data systems track savings against robust energy targets. Those making savings are routinely recognised and celebrated.


The organisation positively expects and embraces change, adapting and responding to minimise risk and maximise opportunities in a timely way to maintain continual improvement in energy management.

Evidence suggests that behaviour change offers around 50% of the total potential energy savings available.  The other 50% comes from technology and yet, as important as it is, technology gets all the focus.  A shift is required, and soon, to ensure that the ‘hidden’ and largely untapped savings available from behaviour change are realised.


How the Discovery Mill can help

The Discovery Mill can help your organisation become an EnCO for example through the following support services:

  • Be a guide for the development of strategy to actively involve people to meet your required goals.
  • Supporting training needs for everyday champions to develop their proficiency in driving continual energy performance improvement within their work areas.
  • Engage and support colleagues through our industry forums or by customising one of our local forum apps to suit the required goals.
  • Evidence that approaches actively and effectively involve people and meet the five pillars of being an EnCO: Engagement, Alertness, Skills, Recognition and Adaption.




EnCO offers training to equip practitioners and organisations to achieve energy savings by behaviour change. The online courses are interactive and facilitated by energy behavioural specialists with extensive experience in medium and large organisations across the world.

Each course consists of four x  2 hour modules with course reading and exercises to complete before each module and an exam at the end of the fourth module. Successful delegates get the interim qualification of Registered EnCO Consultant which is a step to becoming an Approved EnCO Practitioner.

The EnCO course was created and delivered by experts in energy management and their experience and passion for the subject shows throughout each module. The course is full of great advice on how to make people in business change their relationship with energy.  Steve Pick, British Gas

Training Cost

The course cost is £495 plus VAT per delegate. It is free of charge to ESTA members and Energy Institute members on RPEC or EI Chartered Energy Manager registers.

Each course is limited to 25 delegates to ensure a good level of interaction. To check availability and sign up for a course please contact Denise Shepherd at ESTA on



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