Our services support those who use, manage, operate, design and develop buildings, facilities and estates 


We do what our clients find to be of value; we often particularly focus on key components to help make the processes as friction-free as possible:


Strategy & Energy Reviews are about taking the time to understand where you are and help establish your local strategy to work towards the vision, in a way that optimises across all your objectives & requirements.


Training provides the skills, capability and mind-set for everyday champions and significant energy users to drive continual improvement from just 20 minutes a day.

Our approach to training is now industry recognised through ESTA.


Apps & Toolkits provide passive support and quick management systems to make the process as easy as possible for everyday champions to deliver at scale. Our ‘Energy Credit’ tracks savings delivered by people and teams.


Projects Support can provide hands-on technical or behavioural support on energy and sustainability for your teams and everyday champions, as required.

> Energy and sustainability data and performance analysis
> Performance reviews and audits
> Team and stakeholder workshops
> Design compliance reviews and support
> ISO 50001 energy management systems
> Feasibility studies, technical design and commissioning
> Lighting, HVAC, controls and renewable energy projects
> Financial funding, performance partnerships and contracts
> Tracking, metering and verification for incentives and rewards

We have different ways of working according to your needs – use us for a one-off consultation, on a more regular basis or for a large on-going project.