We’d like to offer our congratulations to two of our clients for winning top awards at this month’s Sustainability Leaders Awards 2019 in London: Heathrow Airport won the Sustainable business of the year award and James Tiernan from Unite Students won the Energy management leaders award.  Well done to you both; these are tremendous achievements.

Heathrow Airport was picked out particularly for the recent step change in its approach to sustainability through its strategy Heathrow 2.0, which aims to push an entire sector towards a low carbon future.  Launched in 2017, Heathrow 2.0 commits the airport to ensure that as the organisation thrives, so too will its people, communities, local environment and our world. The Discovery Mill is very pleased to support this good work in our small way through a variety of projects supporting airport champions delivering different components of the strategy.

James Tiernan was chosen particularly for his work to create and implement a highly innovative and effective strategy, delivering significant carbon, energy, water and cost savings. Using robust data and building in-house expertise and  engagement, James has ensured initiatives maximise a wide range of benefits including customer experience, reputation, maintenance and operational efficiency in addition to pure energy savings.  The Discovery Mill has been supporting James and his team in their efforts to further develop their energy management system.

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