Light what you see’ is a catch-phrase, orginating from David Matyus-Flynn and Kristina Allison of Lighting Enterprises, that we use a lot.  With this in mind, you realise that there’s a lot of lighting out there that’s not being used effectively.

Yes, Energy Efficient lighting can often be achieved. However, an efficient lighting scheme doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be a good scheme, or effective in doing its job – to provide a sufficiently, well lit environment. By simply considering this rule – ‘Light what you see’  not only can energy savings be made but an improved, user friendly lighting scheme achieved. In practice this simply means ‘light the application, not the space’ and only switch on the light it when the user needs it. David and Kristina call this Energy Effective lighting!

New lighting qualification
Lighting Enterprises practices an Energy Effective criteria, an approach that ensures that in every situation an Energy Efficient and Energy Effective solution can be provided.  

The NEW lighting qualification is affiliated with the CPD Institute and Society of Light and Lighting, and will introduce you to the fundamentals of applicational lighting, including of lamps, luminaires, energy, maintenance and lighting controls. It’s a great opportunity to get to grips with efficient lighting technologies or to top-up on what you already know!

The Discovery Mill has partnered up with Lighting Enterprises to promote their new lighting qualification and to provide additional lighting expertise within our Champions and Associates network.  Get in touch to find out more – or mention The Discovery Mill if you speak to Lighting Enterprises direct.

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