
Strategy and energy reviews are about taking the time to understand where you are and help establish your local strategy to work towards the vision, in a way that optimises across all your objectives & requirements. A good strategy helps make it friction free from the start.

We can apply our work to operational, development and infrastructure projects as well as management systems for example based on ISO 50001 and ISO 14001.

  • We work in partnership to involve your people, contributing their ideas and feedback on solutions, using their local knowledge, expertise and creativity.
  • We look to review energy and sustainability performance, facilities and technologies, speak to and survey people, and set up simple monitored demonstrations, as appropriate. Workshops with site personnel are often used to engage and connect up the people involved.
  • As well as establishing business cases, our reports highlight the realities, document opportunities and recommend the catalyst and timeline for action. Illustrative examples can be used as content for communications straight away.

There’s no better time than now

There’s a lot of energy improvement work going on and plenty of opportunity.

ESOS is UK legislation that requires all large enterprises to audit their energy performance and identify energy opportunities every four years – this applies to all businesses and not-for-profit organisations with 250+ employees (or) €50m+ turnover and a €43m+ balance sheet.

The UK Government estimates these energy opportunities are potentially worth 196 TWh; that’s equivalent to £19.6bn cost savings to the UK economy by 2020.

Climate talks held in Paris in December 2015 have also  established a universal commitment uniting 196 nations to act against man-made climate change. Action to reduce carbon emissions is urgent and organisations have a key role to play.

Project support

Projects Support can provide hands-on technical or behavioural support on energy and sustainability for your teams and everyday champions, as required.

> Energy and sustainability data and performance analysis
> Performance reviews and audits
> Team and stakeholder workshops
> Design compliance reviews and support
> ISO 50001 energy management systems
> Feasibility studies, technical design and commissioning
> Lighting, HVAC, controls and renewable energy projects
> Financial funding, performance partnerships and contracts
> Tracking, metering and verification for incentives and rewards

We have different ways of working according to your needs – use us for a one-off consultation, on a more regular basis or for a large on-going project.

CPD Article on behaviour change, download here

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