Imagine striking up a conversation about climate change with your department or with your team. Imagine them eager and opinionated about what needs to be done. Imagine their enthusiasm for change, and pride in their own actions.

This is a key part of the The Discovery Mill’s recipe for success. We combine our skills with the skills of our associates to get people excited,cutting straight through apathy and into enthusiasm; and giving people and staff the knowledge that gives them the edge.

Our associates at INGENIOUS have recently been working with an airport operator promoting recycling and use this opportunity to tell us about the narrative behind this project. 

The simple yet big idea is a series of commissioned sculptures made from recycled materials that provocatively communicate the airport’s compelling intent.  Employees get to witness The art of recycling for themselves.

The four step narrative is simple:  vision – choice – plan – action. 

The vision needs to win us the right to hold people’s attention long enough to get to the call for action. It needs to sizzle.  And these four are a good (and often neglected) start:  

- Make it visual - Make it local - Make it desirable - Cut the dates and figures

Once we’ve got a mental picture of success we’ve got to show the consequences of doing nothing.  People will listen to it, because they are sitting in the life raft of a positive vision watching the Titanic of recycling waste around them.

So ‘what are we doing about it?’ What are the three biggest headlines that someone might remember ten minutes after being told? Try it out. If no one can remember your plan, then its odds of succeeding aren’t as good as they probably could be.   

Finally, we should give our audiences something to do right now. Not tomorrow. Not when they are next in the canteen. Right now. Personal payback. Always, always, always answer ‘what’s in it for me?’

That’s it. That’s the sizzle, the plan, the checklist.  All the other general rules of communication still apply of course.

1. See INGENIOUS’ Facebook page for photos of the event.
2. Interested in discussing what we can do for you – get in touch.
3. For more ideas, join our mailing list and/or subscribe to our RSS feed.

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